Everything can change in the blink of a cursor…

I had a trying day at the car shop, after a trying month at three other car shops, finding out dismal things about the beloved mini-van that is probably leaving our lives forever while costing us a fortune to do it.

We are a one car family. We need a commute car that my man and I can both drive to work…one car to the same area, twice a day, far, far away. We need good gas mileage! What if we end up with just one small car? Or even two, SMALL cars? Where will we put the three room condo, complete with screened front porch that we call a tent? Or all those folding chairs and boogie board for the beach? Or all that picnic stuff for another party at the lake? That car doesn’t define me, it defines my lifestyle, one that I’ve become very, very accustomed to.

Then I came home to a personal message from one of my favorite sci-fi/fantasy authors, Jamie McFarlane, asking me if I’d like to beta-test a new book he’s written. So there I was on my Kindle trying to answer with my silly stylus and the AH-NOY-ING autocorrect as if the offer would be retracted before I had a chance to respond. Is the suspense killing you? I said YES of course. DUH, what’d you think I’d say?

Man, I can’t wait to read this book before everyone else. I feel selfish and greedy to be getting my hands on it first and don’t even care that I feel that way!!! {deep pleasurable sigh}

And voila, I turned that frown upside down.

Author: Kelli

Momma of two mini-men, love to cook and create.

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